8 Steps to Organize A Virtual Exhibition via Gather Town

2 years ago

Intro Due to the worry of an increasing number of Covid cases in our community, I discussed the possibility to…

10 Ways to Increase Student Engagement and Motivation

2 years ago

Introduction Inconsistent remote and in-person instruction combined with increased absenteeism due to Covid or Covid related isolation has created a…

Scribe | Chrome Extension

3 years ago

Learn How to Automatically Create Step by Step Guides with the Scribe Chrome Extension Tool With the right tools, you…

Graphic organizer as a strategy to promote cognition and metacognition

3 years ago

Cognition and metacognition How do we use graphic organizer as a strategy to promote cognition and metacognition? How does MYP…

Learning Loss? Lost Learning?

3 years ago

Concerns about learning loss Unplanned school closure resulting from the Covid-19 has impacted student learning physically, emotionally, socially, and academically.…

CLOZEit|Fill in the blanks

3 years ago

有沒有更輕鬆的方法可以製作填空題呢?有喔!利用 CLOZEit 這款簡單的外掛,可以馬上幫我們省下不少青春。操作也很簡單。如果老師還在用Word,真心建議可以慢慢熟悉Googles Suite(比如Google doc, slides, spreadsheet, jamboard..等等),利用簡單的外掛,我們經常可以很輕鬆的就完成一件工作。 安裝外掛 首先到Google Workspace Marketplace 安裝CLOZEit應用程式。瀏覽器要用Chrome才能使用。如果老師用的是學校的Gmail帳號,可能先請學校的IT管理員幫你安裝這款外掛。 打開Google doc 打開Google doc,然後貼上文章。在要讓學生填空的地方地下畫線,或者選區文字,按鍵盤快速鍵:command+U(PC可能是ctrl+U)。不用標出特別的顏色,我這裡用藍色只是方便說明,可以清楚看到哪些字是要讓學生填空的。 打開外掛應用程式 如圖所示。中文就只有第一個選項可以用。選擇Underlined(底下畫線的選項),然後開始製作填空題。當然,如果老師教英文的話,可以試試看Highlighted的功能,Highlight會有提示的功能,比如,要填的字是apple,第一個字母A就會保留。這個適合做差異化教學,如果有程度相對較弱的學生就可以用。 填空題輕輕鬆鬆做好,學生可以從詞庫(Word…

Word to PPT 文字轉簡報

3 years ago

如果想要把文件檔轉為簡報,有什麼方法呢?介紹一款Chrome外掛程式。這是一名數學老師自己寫的外掛程式。有興趣的老師可以直接看原文和Alice Keeler 的Youtube影片,聽她說明如何使用這款外掛,Magically Convert Google Docs to Slides。 我用中文簡單說明如何使用這款外掛程式。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB0Vg2-8Sy0 安裝外掛 首先到Google Workspace Marketplace 安裝 Doc to Slides by Schoolytics…

Multimodal Teaching

3 years ago

What is multimodal teaching? What is multimodal teaching? Multimodal teaching refers to instruction or learning materials consisting of multiple modes…

Check-in Activities to Engage Students

3 years ago

The importance of check-in activities Engaging students using check-in activities are really important because they help build relationships, which can…

Common Chinese Compound Sentence Structures

3 years ago

Chinese Compound Sentences 中文複句 To support students writing their academic reports, I compiled a list of writing strategies and sentence…