Student Learning Portfolio

5 years ago

Why reflection?  One of the goals for teaching is to help students transfer their learning and be able to apply…

OREO Online Learning Guidelines

5 years ago

What is in the name of O.R.E.O? Governments in different countries in the Asia Pacific have ordered schools to be…

Student learning portfolio building tips

5 years ago

Process portfolio  This is a follow-up writing to my "Student Learning Portfolio" post. At my current school, MYP students create their…

Comprehensible Output Through Discussion By Design

5 years ago

What do we mean by saying 'Discussion'?​ Reading The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies written by Jennifer Gonzalez, I find myself…

What is my role in the personal project?

5 years ago

Roles and responsibilities for the MYP Personal Project  I am very passionate about the MYP personal project as it gives…

GRASPS Assessment Design and Student Metacognition

5 years ago

The WHY of GRASPS assessment design GRASPS is a model advocated for by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe to guide…

The Empathy Map: A Teacher’s Tool to Design Learning

5 years ago

Introduction Teachers are beginning to plan the learning spaces to welcome students for the upcoming academic school year of 2022-2023.…

Sanity-Saving Feedback Strategies

5 years ago

Feedback Principles Since we launched the Formative and Feedback Project at KIS in 2017, we received positive responses from teachers, students, and…

Learning agility

5 years ago

This diagram was inspired by the blog post, The agile learner in a VUCA world, written by @alohalavina. VUCA is an acronym…

Factfulness by Hans Rosling

5 years ago

Develop a fact-based worldview  Factfullness by Hans Rosling is my first summer reading. Lots of good review have been shared and…