
MYP Curriculum Guide: The Impact and Creation of a Comprehensive Guide

Introduction It can be difficult for parents, students, and even teachers to understand the MYP curriculum. Parents frequently complain about…

6 months ago

What is the point of IB evaluation?

Introduction School quality is ensured and improved through the IB evaluation process. Through the evaluation process, schools identify what works…

2 years ago

The MYP Coordinator’s Job Handover Checklist

Introduction When we plan to leave our current teaching job for the next, it's important to make sure that everything…

2 years ago

Team-based Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach

Concerns in planning an MYP interdisciplinary unit Planning the MYP interdisciplinary teaching and learning can be tricky, especially working out…

2 years ago

6 Conversation Roles to Promote Engagement

Diversity, equity and inclusion through conversation roles How do you get the most out of your lessons? How do you…

2 years ago

Teaming: Collaborate to Innovate and Impact

This blog post explores the importance of teaming and consolidates my thinking on how to create a psychologically safe environment…

3 years ago

Book review: The 8 Hour Action Plan

The 8 Hour Action Plan written by Aloha Lavina provides a guide for school leaders to create an action plan for…

4 years ago

O.R.E.O Online Teacher in Action

How do I manage my time and boost productivity?  "So how do you manage your time and be available for…

4 years ago

Transitions Between IB Programmes

Transcend --> Transit --> Transfer --> Transform  My two children decided to keep fish at the beginning of this year.…

5 years ago

Better Conversations: note-taking and reflection

Better Conversations by Jim Knight  I have been enjoying reading Jim Knight's books relating to professional learning and instructional coaching.…

5 years ago