Personal Reading

A Path to Radical Acceptance: Looking Back at 2022, Looking Forward to 2023

Introduction In my "Reflect on 2021, Welcome 2022" blog post, I shared my anxiety, stress and frustration about Covid, separation…

1 year ago

What I Read During My Restful Summer in 2022

Introduction Summertime has always been one of my favorite times of the year. There's something about not having to deal…

2 years ago

Reflect on 2021, Welcome 2022

Stressful 2021 2021 has been a very emotional year for me. I haven't seen my family in Taiwan for almost…

2 years ago

Book review: The 8 Hour Action Plan

The 8 Hour Action Plan written by Aloha Lavina provides a guide for school leaders to create an action plan for…

4 years ago

Better Conversations: note-taking and reflection

Better Conversations by Jim Knight  I have been enjoying reading Jim Knight's books relating to professional learning and instructional coaching.…

5 years ago