Self-directed Learning

Use Assessment Roadmap

Use an Assessment Roadmap to Reduce Students’ Anxiety and Promote Student Agency

Introduction Assessment can be challenging, particularly when it seems you’re never quite sure when it’s going to come around. By using an assessment roadmap, students are able to engage in goal setting. Knowing what they are expected to achieve by a certain date provides students with a sense of control that they may not otherwise …

Use an Assessment Roadmap to Reduce Students’ Anxiety and Promote Student Agency Read More »

Why do Inspirational Quotes Motivate Us?

Introduction There are many inspirational quotes on Pinterest, Facebook, and everywhere else. However, do they motivate us to achieve our goals and inspire us to generate new ideas? The answer is yes! I enjoy reading notes from James Clear’s 3-2-1 newsletter. In his newsletter, he shares 3 short ideas, 2 quotes from others, and 1 …

Why do Inspirational Quotes Motivate Us? Read More »

16 Ideas to Introduce the Hidden Curriculum in the First Weeks

Introduction The first weeks of school can be the most stressful time of the year. Teachers are trying to figure out their schedules and classrooms, and students are trying to make new friends. One of the best ways to start the new school year to help teachers and students get to know each other better …

16 Ideas to Introduce the Hidden Curriculum in the First Weeks Read More »

10 ideas to end the school year

10 Ideas to End the School Year

Introduction We are approaching the end of the school year. It’s time to think about creative and fun activities for students at the end of the year. The inconsistency of in-person and online instruction has made teachers and students more exhausted than ever. Due to Covid, many planned activities have been cancelled, which has frustrated …

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10 Ways to Increase Student Engagement and Motivation

Introduction Inconsistent remote and in-person instruction combined with increased absenteeism due to Covid or Covid related isolation has created a frustrating learning pattern that’s hard to keep students engaged and caused apathy and low student motivation. When students feel like their hard work is not worthwhile or when they are unable to see how their …

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Graphic Organizer

Graphic organizer as a strategy to promote cognition and metacognition

Cognition and metacognition How do we use graphic organizer as a strategy to promote cognition and metacognition? How does MYP command terms help students develop cognition and metacognition? I am very interested in developing metacognition and self-regulation of students. After re-reading Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning Guidance Report published by EEF (Education, Endowment, Foundation), I decided …

Graphic organizer as a strategy to promote cognition and metacognition Read More »