Effective MYP Teacher Onboarding: Ideas and Activities for Success

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Onboarding new MYP teachers is more than just paperwork, curriculum documentation, and orientation. It’s about creating memorable experiences that shape their perception and effectiveness in our school. Drawing from “The Power of Moments” by Chip and Dan Heath, we can turn routine onboarding into a memorable and impactful experience.

Effective teacher onboarding addresses their concerns and creates moments that matter. By using strategies from “The Power of Moments,” we can design an induction program that leaves a lasting impact, ensuring new MYP teachers feel supported and motivated from day one. This structured approach not only improves retention but also builds a strong and cohesive teaching community.

Additionally, the MYP often gets a bad reputation and exhausts teachers because we typically introduce the programme with an overwhelming load of IB guides and documents. This approach can easily overburden their cognitive capacity, particularly as they are just navigating a new school, new students, and possibly a new city or country. By providing the MYP teacher onboarding experience with excitement and memorable moments, we can better support and engage new teachers, setting a positive tone from the beginning.

While this blog post focuses on sharing ideas and activities to onboard teachers who are new to the MYP, many of the strategies discussed and ideas and activities shared can be applied to any school onboarding new teachers.

This blog post was written in collaboration with GPT 4, which is used to brainstorm Peak Moments activities.

MYP Teacher Onboarding

Understanding the Importance of Onboarding

Onboarding is a critical time when new teachers get introduced to their schools and set on the path to success. It’s more than just an introduction; it’s a valuable process that helps new teachers integrate and feel like part of the team. Successful onboarding can lead to happy and effective teachers, and it lays the foundation for their professional
growth at the school.

Photo by Julia M Cameron

Building a Strong Foundation

The first few days for new teachers are crucial. They need to understand their roles and what’s expected from them. This is where a well-structured onboarding program comes into play. According to TNTP, clear job expectations and role-specific information are key to making new staff feel prepared.

Tips for Building a Strong Foundation:

  • Provide Clear Role Definitions: Make sure new teachers know exactly what their duties are.
  • Share Key Resources: Give them access to teaching materials, schedules, and important contacts.
  • Initial Training Sessions: Hold workshops focusing on the school’s culture and teaching methods.

Creating a Sense of Belonging

It’s essential to make new teachers feel like they are part of the team. A welcoming and supportive environment helps in reducing anxiety and sets a positive tone. As highlighted by SchoolCEO, onboarding helps in creating that sense of belonging which is crucial for teacher retention.

Activities to Foster Belonging:

  • Mentorship Programs: Pair new teachers with experienced ones. This provides guidance and a go-to person for questions.
  • Social Events: Organize get-togethers or informal meetings where new teachers can meet their colleagues.
  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly meetings to discuss their progress and any concerns.

Providing Continuous Support

Onboarding isn’t just a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process. Regular support and feedback are vital for the continuous growth of new teachers. Many effective onboarding programs include follow-ups and continuous professional development.

Effective Support Techniques:

  • Regular Training: Offer opportunities for new teachers to attend workshops and training sessions.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Provide regular feedback to help them improve and grow.
  • Professional Development Plans: Develop personalized plans focusing on areas they need to grow.

One excellent read on the topic is Alludo Learning’s blog, which delves into how an effective onboarding process can support new teachers.

Example Onboarding Programs

Successful onboarding programs have a few things in common. They are structured, supportive, and continuous. Here is an example of an effective induction program:

  1. Orientation Week: Introducing the teachers to the school environment, rules, and culture.
  2. Mentorship Pairing: Aligning each new teacher with a seasoned mentor for continuous guidance.
  3. Resource Sharing: Providing all necessary teaching materials, access to digital tools, and other resources.
  4. Ongoing Training: Monthly training sessions focused on specific aspects of teaching and classroom management.
  5. Feedback Sessions: Quarterly meetings to discuss their performance, areas of improvement, and growth plans.

For more information and tools, PowerSchool has some great insights on creating effective onboarding programs for teachers.

By focusing on these key areas, the onboarding process can transform a new teacher’s experience, ensuring they feel valued, supported, and ready to succeed in their new role.

The Importance of Peak Moments

In “The Power of Moments,” the authors emphasize the significance of creating “peak moments”—those memorable and meaningful experiences that stand out in our lives. By incorporating peak moments into the onboarding process, schools can foster a sense of belonging, excitement, and commitment among new MYP teachers. Here are some strategies to help us achieve that.

  1. Creating Elevating Experiences: Enhancing the onboarding experience for new MYP teachers is vital. Creating memorable and positive moments will make new teachers feel welcomed and valued.
  2. Designing Meaningful Experiences: Share stories and examples that embody the school’s mission and values. Organize a tour of the school where new teachers can see these values in action, perhaps by visiting classrooms or observing exemplary projects.
  3. Focusing on Connection: Relationships are at the core of a positive work environment. Pair new teachers with experienced mentors who can provide guidance and support. Encourage informal gatherings, such as coffee mornings or team-building activities, to help new teachers build connections with their colleagues.
  4. Empowering with Purpose: New teachers should understand their role within the MYP framework and how they contribute to the school’s goals. Conduct workshops that delve into the MYP philosophy, curriculum, and assessment methods, ensuring that new teachers feel confident and prepared.
  5. Celebrating Progress: Celebrate the completion of the onboarding process with a small ceremony or a social event. Recognize the progress and achievements of new teachers, reinforcing their importance to the school community.
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Effective Ideas and Activities

Creating a Warm Welcome

First impressions matter, and the initial welcome for new teachers should be warm and personal. Consider hosting a special welcome ceremony or breakfast where new teachers are introduced to the school community. A casual breakfast can be a wonderful way to foster connections among staff. Picture a sunny morning with the aroma of fresh coffee, a spread of delicious pastries and fruits, and an atmosphere that encourages open communication. This setting not only provides a relaxed environment but also sets the tone for informal conversations.

Sharing a meal is a great way to break the ice and allow new teachers and administrators to meet their colleagues in a low-pressure setting. Such an event can significantly aid in building personal connections, making new hires feel part of the group from the very beginning. To make them feel even more valued and appreciated, consider giving personalized welcome kits containing school merchandise, essential resources, and a handwritten note from the principal. This thoughtful gesture can go a long way in smoothing their transition and fostering a sense of community.

By setting up conversation starters, inviting all staff to participate, and maintaining a casual, relaxed atmosphere with light music and comfortable seating, we create a welcoming environment that fosters connection and inclusion. This simple yet impactful gesture can leave a lasting impression on new teachers, showing them that they are valued and welcomed. It also appreciate returning staff by providing an opportunity for them to catch up after the break and get to know the new teachers. It’s crucial to include all staff—administrators, office staff, educational assistants, and more—to make this a truly inclusive event, setting the foundation for a supportive and cohesive school community.

Guided School Tour

A structured school tour is another excellent way to introduce new hires to the school’s culture and facilities. Imagine stepping into a new place with a knowledgeable guide to show us around — it provides new teachers with a sense of belonging and familiarity. A guided tour helps them navigate their new environment with confidence, from locating essential facilities like the staff room and library to understanding the layout of classrooms and common areas. This initial orientation not only reduces the anxiety of stepping into an unfamiliar setting but also lays the foundation for a positive and welcoming experience.

For a more interactive and engaging approach, consider organizing a scavenger hunt as part of the school tour. This fun activity can help new teachers become familiar with the school layout in a memorable way. By participating in a scavenger hunt, new hires can explore different parts of the school, meet key staff members, and learn about important locations and resources in an enjoyable and relaxed setting. This method not only reinforces knowledge of the school’s physical environment but also fosters team building and bonds among new teachers, setting a positive tone for their journey ahead.

Storytelling Session

Arrange a storytelling session where experienced teachers share their most impactful and inspiring experiences at the school. This session serves as an invaluable opportunity for new hires to gain a deeper understanding of the school’s culture and the meaningful connections that can be formed within the community. By hearing firsthand accounts of what makes the school special, new teachers can envision themselves playing a vital role in continuing these traditions of excellence and positive impact. These personal narratives are likely to resonate on a more emotional level, making the school’s values and mission come to life in a relatable and compelling way.

Listening to stories of accomplishments, challenges, and transformative moments from experienced teachers provides new hires with both inspiration and practical insights. It highlights the significant impact they can have on students’ lives, fostering a sense of purpose and enthusiasm from the outset. Moreover, it helps build a sense of community and continuity, reminding new hires that they are joining a supportive network of professionals who care about student learning. This storytelling session not only enriches the onboarding experience but also sets a collaborative and motivational tone, encouraging new teachers to start their journey with optimism and confidence.

Student Panel

Invite a panel of current students to share their perspectives on what makes a great teacher and what they love about the school. This engaging session will offer new teachers valuable insights directly from those they will be impacting the most. Hearing from students about the qualities that make teachers effective, such as building strong relationships, being supportive, and creating engaging learning environments, can provide new hires with practical advice and inspiration. It also shows the importance of student-centered approaches and helps teachers understand the specific needs and preferences of their students.

Listening to students articulate what they appreciate about their school can also provide a strong sense of purpose and motivation in new teachers. This panel discussion serves as a powerful reminder of the positive impact teachers can have on their students’ academic and personal lives. By connecting with the student voice from the beginning, new teachers are encouraged to foster meaningful relationships and strive for excellence in their teaching practices. The student panel not only enhances the onboarding experience but also promotes a deeper connection between teachers and students, ultimately contributing to a more cohesive and dynamic school community.

Classroom Setup Day

New teachers are usually eager to set up their classrooms, and it’s important to dedicate classroom setup time to help them feel prepared and supported. Providing them with all the necessary supplies ensures they have everything needed to create an inviting and functional learning environment. By facilitating this process, the school communicates the important message that creating a welcoming and effective learning space is a priority. Additionally, discussing ownership of the learning space and how to set up displays can further enhance their understanding and integration into the school’s culture. This structured approach not only eases their transition but also fosters a sense of belonging and readiness for the school year ahead.

Interactive Workshops

Educating new teachers on the school’s philosophy and expectations is crucial. Workshops can be an effective tool for this, helping to align new staff with the school’s vision and provide them with crucial insights. School leaders can organize sessions that dive deep into the school’s mission, values, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) philosophy. This helps new teachers understand the broader objectives that they are contributing to.

Host interactive workshops on key aspects of the MYP, such as inquiry-based teaching and learning, collaborative unit planning, and assessment strategies. These workshops should be hands-on and collaborative, providing new teachers with opportunities to practice and discuss these concepts with their peers. It’s important to prioritize information using the MoSCoW method (Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won’t Have this time), identifying what teachers must, should, could, and won’t have time to learn. This structured approach ensures that essential information is conveyed efficiently, while also addressing additional topics that can enhance their teaching practices. Recognizing that many new teachers may have extensive teaching experience, but be new to the MYP, the workshops should respect and build upon their existing expertise. This respectful approach promotes an atmosphere of professional growth and mutual learning, making the transition to the MYP smooth and enriching for every educator involved.

Workshops on cultural competency are also essential, as they equip new teachers with the skills to effectively engage with a diverse student body and understand various cultural backgrounds. These sessions should include practical exercises and discussions that help teachers apply what they learn in real classroom settings.

Community Service Activity

Organize a community service activity where new teachers, together with students and staff, participate in a local project. This collaborative project not only fosters a sense of community and shared purpose from the outset but also aligns with the values of social responsibility and global citizenship that are central to the MYP. By working side by side in an activity that benefits the local community, new teachers can form meaningful connections with their colleagues and students, creating a strong sense of relationships and mutual respect. This experience is a powerful way to demonstrate the school’s commitment to impactful, real-world learning and to highlight the importance of contributing positively to society. The bonds formed and the shared sense of achievement help to build an engaged and committed teaching community, setting a positive and collaborative tone for the school year ahead.

Mentorship Pairing

Pairing new teachers with experienced mentors can make a significant difference in their onboarding process. Mentors provide valuable guidance, support, and insight, helping new teachers navigate the complexities of their roles more effectively. A mentor offers practical advice and emotional support, making the transition smoother for those who might feel overwhelmed. Additionally, mentors play a crucial role in the professional growth of new teachers, aiding in the development of their teaching skills and building their confidence. Consistency provided by a mentor serves as a stable point of reference, which is comforting and essential for new teachers adapting to a new school system. This structured support system not only benefits the new teachers but also enhances the overall cohesion and effectiveness of the school community. In “The Power of Moments,” Chip and Dan Heath emphasize the impact of creating defining experiences that elevate, provide insight, and build connections; a well-designed mentorship program embodies these principles by fostering defining moments that can shape a new teacher’s career positively.

Mentorship programs have proven to be effective in various schools, enhancing teacher retention and satisfaction. Learn more about effective teacher mentoring.


Thoughtful onboarding can define a teacher’s experience and retention. By creating moments of elevation, insight, pride, and connection, schools don’t just welcome new MYP teachers but launch them toward success.

Structured activities, such as mentorship programs, welcome meetings, and classroom visits, build a sense of community and purpose. Engaging learning activities and clear communication of expectations set the stage for teacher confidence and student success.

Embrace these powerful moments to create an impactful start for new educators. Invite MYP teachers to share their onboarding stories to continuously refine and elevate the process.


Using external content and guidelines can help create a more structured and professional onboarding process.

By implementing these broader strategies, schools can create powerful moments that make the onboarding process for new MYP teachers both impactful and memorable. This not only helps retain new teachers but also ensures they are well-integrated and motivated to contribute to the school’s success.


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