
Collaborative strategic reading (CSR)

Collaborative strategic reading (CSR) can be used before, during and after reading. This reading strategy encourages collaborative learning among students and promote participation for purposeful and meaningful discussions. The aim of this reading strategy is to help students develop confidence and self-monitoring strategies in dealing with the text with unfamiliar language and make connections.  How did …

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Does iPad kill my children’s creativity?

Lately, I’ve read a couple of articles that friends shared on Facebook, describing how iPad has stolen kids’ childhood or their creativity. I disagree with this opinion to a certain extent. iPad is an incredible tool in the classrooms that facilitates students in their learning and thinking process. Let’s first reflect on what and how …

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Interpretation of criterion A of MYP language acquisition

Objective A: Comprehending spoken and visual text   According to the MYP language acquisition guide (2014):  “Comprehending spoken and visual text encompasses aspects of listening and viewing, and involves the student in constructing meaning and interpreting spoken and visual text to understand how images presented with oral text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudes. Engaging …

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Interpretation of criterion B of MYP language acquisition

Objective B: Comprehending written and visual text  According to the MYP language acquisition guide (2014): “Comprehending written and visual text encompasses aspects of reading and viewing, and involves the student in constructing meaning and interpreting written and visual text to understand how images presented with written text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudes. Engaging with text …

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Unit planning: the cornerstones of teaching and learning

The unit planning process is like trying to solve the rubik’s cube! Unit planning is not merely for documentation. It helps teachers to focus on holistic teaching and learning, instead of just developing numerous class activities over a period of study. As a teacher to a new school or teaching a new course, I know …

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